Saturday, January 9, 2010

Smith and Echenique

Some notable news

Tyler Smith dismissed: Smith peaked as a prospect during his soph season. He was an excellent all-around player, who didn't score much. As a junior he struggled with an increased scoring load and went from lottery pick to suspect in my opinion. As a senior he improved some, but got caught doing some illegal stuff and now his college career appears to be over. The first thing to say here is I hope Tyler Smith and the rest of the Vols can get past this incident. It being a misdemeanor and a 1st offense, I suspect he'll be able to do just that. His prospect status is obviously hurt, but I doubt he's completely off the map.

Gregory Echenique transfers: Echenique is a PF from Rutgers who was starting to make a name for himself before an injury ended his sophomore season. No word on where he'll end up, but he'll be a player to watch wherever it is.

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