Friday, April 10, 2009

When to go pro

Every year there's lots of debate over which prospect should or shouldn't go pro. Personally I feel such chatter is a bigger waste of time than the discussion over which is the 34th best at-large team for the NCAA tournament. The decision to enter the draft is a personal choice that each player has to make. It should be based on what's best for the player and nothing else. Because this is a personal choice, I like to stay away from stating my opinion of which players should and shouldn't go pro. Basically it's none of my business. I'll babble on annoyingly and endlessly about their chances for success, but I'm not in the business of giving input on important life decisions for people I know little about.
That said, I will say that from strictly a business standpoint, this is a great year for young centers and PFs to enter the draft. There is a dearth of quality big men available. Because of this situation young players with any potential are going to be in high demand whether they're ready to contribute or not. For some players this is going to be their last best chance to become a first round draft pick and get the guaranteed money that comes with it. It also goes without saying that earning a couple million for a season that would otherwise be spent playing for free on campus is a no-brainer from strictly a business standpoint.

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